Welcome to Green Madison, NJ
We're an active community with an award-winning Environmental Commission, a state-recognized Sustainable Madison Advisory Committee, a strong Shade Tree Management Board and a ground-breaking Climate Action Committee.
Subscribe to the Environmental Commission newsletter here
Native Seed Exchange, Sat. Jan. 11, 1-3pm, Methodist Church, 24 Madison Ave. No need to RSVP--see you there!
Invasive Plant Workshop with the Wildstead Co., Wed., January 30, 7pm at the Madison Community Arts Center. Tickets $10.
Subscribe to the Environmental Commission newsletter here
Native Seed Exchange, Sat. Jan. 11, 1-3pm, Methodist Church, 24 Madison Ave. No need to RSVP--see you there!
Invasive Plant Workshop with the Wildstead Co., Wed., January 30, 7pm at the Madison Community Arts Center. Tickets $10.
Friends of the Drew Forest are fighting to preserve a 50-acre forest on the Drew University campus which is at risk of development. This biodiverse Forest has undergone a 15-year restoration and has a rare understory of native plants and native trees. Sign up for the newsletter here.

Learn more about what you can do to save all NJ Forests.
In New Jersey forest stewardship has come to be a catch all term for forestry that includes cutting large swaths of New Jersey's oldest intact forest on state preserved lands. Many Forest Stewardship Plans are paid for by the sale of timber from a site being managed. This coupling of conservation and contract logging is incredibly problematic, especially on our public lands.
In New Jersey forest stewardship has come to be a catch all term for forestry that includes cutting large swaths of New Jersey's oldest intact forest on state preserved lands. Many Forest Stewardship Plans are paid for by the sale of timber from a site being managed. This coupling of conservation and contract logging is incredibly problematic, especially on our public lands.
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