The Madison Public Schools address sustainability through clubs and initiatives
Some of the initiatives through the years include:
- Central Avenue School: composting, vegetable garden (see garden blog by clicking here), annual bike swap, juice carton recycling, Green Ambassador Program, walk to school program, battery recycling, shoe drive and anti-idling campaigns.
- Kings Road School: shoe drive, composting program and vegetable garden. See historical blog at:
- Tory J School: Trashless Thursdays, composting program, butterfly garden development and shoe drive.
- Madison Junior School: Trash to Treasure Days, shoe drive and battery recycling.
- Madison High School: installation of reusable water bottle filling stations, promotions to decreas use of plastic bottles, composting education during Day of Service, annual bike donation for Pedals for Progress, shoe drive, anti-idling campaigns and participation in beach sweep clean-ups with Clean Ocean Action.
For more information on any of these programs, or to get involved, consult the schools’ respective homepages at