Madison Environmental Commission Newsletter
Take Care of Oceans with Reef-safe Sunscreen and make July Plastic-Free
Summer is here and so is the need for sunscreen. Learn about why the sunscreen you choose matters to the health of the oceans and lakes. Also consider how plastics are polluting almost every stream and river in NJ (and elsewhere), harming wildlife, and negatively impacting our health. Each single-use plastic bag, takeout container, fork, etc. is used for an average of 15 minutes, but creates pollution that lasts for years. Learn about zero-waste and refill shops in our area that can help you cut out plastics. Click here to read the newsletter.
Summer is here and so is the need for sunscreen. Learn about why the sunscreen you choose matters to the health of the oceans and lakes. Also consider how plastics are polluting almost every stream and river in NJ (and elsewhere), harming wildlife, and negatively impacting our health. Each single-use plastic bag, takeout container, fork, etc. is used for an average of 15 minutes, but creates pollution that lasts for years. Learn about zero-waste and refill shops in our area that can help you cut out plastics. Click here to read the newsletter.